Blog criado para complementar a carga horária da disciplina de Metodologia de Ensino de Língua Inglesa (semestre 2011.2) do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Letras-Inglês da Universidade Estadual do Piauí, campus de Piripiri. Visite
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Motivation is in the first place to believe in yourself,later to create diversified manners for the others believe in themselves.In my opinion isn`t easy the teacher make the learners want and believe in their capacity.Is necessary to use various and differents methods.The motivation is very important to the learning of the language.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is the key to success. Motivation is an important aspect of the learning process in the classroom because the intensity and quality of involvement required to learn depend on it. The motivation influences a lot in school, because without it, it may happen that even the student being intelligent, find difficulties in time to learn.
ResponderExcluirI think when some students believe that they have not sufficient capacity to learn a new language is a lack of motivation.This is because to learn a language is necessary to know the code elements of communication (grammar and lexical items), and social and cultural aspects of the target language community.
Motivation is the first step to do anything, no motivation, we can not do something perfectly. Motivation is to feel a pleasure in doing things, is to feel that you can, sometimes we know do, but without motivation we do not well done. So it's very important to have an incentive to learn a new language, so that learning is the best possible.
ResponderExcluirI believe that motivation is an inner force that stimulates us to develop satisfactorily what we propose to do. The motivation is of crucial importance in the development and success of the human being and it becomes even more important and essential in learning a language, because learning occurs in a fully active and never passive. It is no use have the best teachers and the best methods if we are not motivated to learn.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is the desire of to increase and the feeling of competence faced with certain situation. In the learning of a new language the intrinsic motivation is a determining factor, since it refers to the intensity of someone's wish to learn. Thus, the teacher must try to turn the extrinsic motivation to intrinsic motivation so that the learner achieves autonomy, as the greater is the motivation, the better is the performance.
ResponderExcluirAccording to Brown there are several concepts of motivation which have like main theories the behaviorism,the cognitivism and constructivism. Considering the constructivist theory, motivation are individual choices, considering the social context that each one is inserted, or is each person is motivated differently and therefore their actions must be interpreted in the context social.Contudo, the motivation is major factor for the success of learning a second language because it refers to behavior directed toward a goal, that is, if the interest is not aroused the student learning will not happen.
ResponderExcluirI believe motivation is the feeling that someone or desire to achieve your goal, facing difficulties in search of an ideal. Motivation can be very well applied to students of L2, feeling motivated students can gain more confidence in the new language, and acquired this practice, seek the opportunity to interact with new people, new cultures, moreover, we know to learn a new language today is also important for students entering the job market as companies seek employees who have at least the basics of a second language and it ends up being more of a motivation for L2 student.
ResponderExcluirTo me motivation is synonymous with achievement.
ResponderExcluirThere is no success in anything that is done without a good dose of motivation.
I always defended the motivation as the number one partner in teaching and learning. Taking into account that when we are motivated to perform any task as it is our goal but it was close to being realized. it is logical that everything has its measure, its quantity. We can not exaggerate in order to not fall in the risk of giving it all wrong.
The presence or absence of motivation is that define respectively: The success or failure of learning. This motivated means to be moved to something. The teacher in addition to awaken in their students the interest, curiosity or the desire to attain knowledge, it needs to invest time and energy to achieve a sustainable goal.Motivation in education means creating conditions for students to perform the best with their abilities. Is develop an expectation that the benefit will come as a result of their
ResponderExcluirparticipation in a learning experience
The motivation and a subjective fundamental tool for the range of certain goals of a person or group, be it intrinsic motivation (internal purpose to learn certain discipline or extrinsic motivation (motivation generated by external reward such as awards, titles, employment and others). In the teaching process it stimulates students to develop their own learning strategies so becomes just guiding in this process o acquisition of knowledge.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is the ability to feel self able to do anything that you want. It is a very important factor in learning a new language, because if students are motivated to learn the new language they will develop a worry with it and they will to become themselves very interested to participate in the activities to acquire it better.
ResponderExcluirto define motivation isn’t a easy task, because have several mean, but we can understand motivation as an state personal in that a people is willing and very determined the to reach a specific objectives, the person feel it confident and capable of fulfill that task in spite of difficulties. The motivation occur of several way in each people and bringing this concept to school environment is important work the students’s motivation, because is through of the motivation in learn the second language being awaken, the interest in learn for part them also will awaken. The importance of all learn a second language because nowadays we live in globalized world, we can create many chance in work markets, is language more used in international relation, more used in global trade, to when we need interact with natives speakers, also to access more sites news and also because the language English is very present in our every day.
ResponderExcluirThe motivation is the result of success or failure of many human activities. If carried to the side of the learning of a foreign tongue when the student is highly motivated, the helps that he can come to receive from educational context - teacher, books, auxiliary means, etc become secondary. According to Mattos(1972:236.), motivate it is to awake the interest and students' attention by the values that are contained in the matter.
ResponderExcluirThe motivation is the result of success or failure of many human activities. If carried to the side of the learning of a foreign tongue when the student is highly motivated, the helps that he can come to receive from educational context - teacher, books, auxiliary means, etc become secondary. According to Mattos(1972:236.), motivate it is to awake the interest and students' attention by the values that are contained in the matter.
ResponderExcluirAbout Class 4 - THE PRINCIPLE OF INTERACTIVE - because activities undertaken in partnership become more pleasant to be performed, there may be discussion of the proposed themeamong partners.
ResponderExcluirTHE PRINCIPLE OF PRACTICE - because it is through practice that isacquired by performing the theories explaining the teachers in the classroom, and because there is no learning theory andpractice.
THE REALITY PRINCIPLE - because it is more interesting to work with what's real, working with the imaginary. The curriculum cansometimes be the "biggest obstacle" to the student come to know, because she was often at odds with the reality of the student.
Motivation is pleased to lead someone to feel excited about something. Enthusiastic and rediscover the reasons for the educational aprendizagem.Dentro there are few reasons to have such a good class or not. Therefore it is necessary that motivation, which then stimulates the educator and the learner. Do not be motivated when there is no reason, if you're not motivated. Not produced when enthusiasm is not able to be enthused by what you do. So it is in a teaching, motivation is the difference with both the teaching to learning. And this is true so much to a success to a failure!
ResponderExcluirAccording to H. D. Brown's motivation can be defined as a desire that drives the individual to a particular action and it can be divided into two types: intrinsic motivation, the urge to learn part of themselves and their extrinsic motivation, the desire to learn is driven by external elements. Therefore, the motivation is the key to success in learning a second language.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is the will that someone has to get his objectives through his effort and stimulated by some reward. But in a search deeper, it depends much of the camp that you include in your conception. If you were to the behavioristic definition side the motivation is based on the conditioning operant which has pillars in the attainment of a objective through of rewards to do this objective. This process acts of way superficial, don´t worrying with the cognitive points. For another side, if it for based in cognitive definitions of motivation through power of self-reward, then the motivation will be shown in a manager deeper, taking on consideration the side cognitive of the people that pass to decide about the development themselves.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is important in a new language because through the motivation you can concentrate your focus on the learning, developing activities, cognitive processes, learning strategies, and in the continuation of learning for part of learners.
It is a statement of reasons and causes, factors that determine the activity and individual behavior, feelings of competence. The motivated student is determined, actively participates, is with interest and motivation, the motivation is so important in teaching English language, not only in the English language more in all that human beings have the desire to learn.
ResponderExcluirIt can be argued that learning takes place by a cognitive process imbued with affection, respect and motivation. Thus, it is essential to learn "can" do it, which refers to skills, knowledge, strategies and skills needed, it is necessary to "want" to do so, have the willingness, intention and motivation enough.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is the existence of reasons for wanting to achieve any goal. The motivation helps in developing self-esteem, thus producing a greatest desire of dare, discover and learn new things. This is one aspect that awakens or increases student interest in learning a new language. Therefore, it's of paramount importance to the teaching-learning of second language or any other subject.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is a set of factors that drives us to a certain goal, these factors may result in desires, great interest, as well as stimulus or force that drives the achievement of some goal in our life.
ResponderExcluirThe importance of learning a L2 is not only the need in the labor market or preparation for new opportunities, but also for the intellectual formation, resulting in a new world view. Within this context the teacher has an important role in student motivation, being a mediator in the learning of this, encouraging the development of appropriate activities for the interest of learners.
Motivation can come from the inside or outside of people. I think motivation is the strengt that does people get up everyday and get will to make through the life’s problem.
ResponderExcluirI think that is very important to learn a second language cause, over there stimulate the brain, it’s a large gap in the labor market.
Motivation is a practice to the benefit of teaching and learning. Cause through motivation we feel able to accomplish any task, including learning a new language.
ResponderExcluirLearning a new language is extremely important because we have this knowledge through a broad view of the world.
I think that is essential to learn a second language these days. Through learning a second language we stand out among the others.
ResponderExcluirIn my opinion, motivation is a force that comes from within each individual, especially when he's anxious to do something. This force is very important for personal success, because it is in the desire to achieve our goals that comes motivation. In the area of learning an L2, motivation is very important and when the student is the type that is not interested in learning a foreign language, the teacher, to promote activities that motivate the student, or help you find, what will rouses him for wanting to learn an L2. A student learns more easily when you feel motivated.
ResponderExcluirNa minha opinião, motivação é uma força interior que nos leva a fazer algo. Sem essa motivação não conseguirirmos aprender uma nova lingua, por se tratar de um processo longo e cheio de fatores que dificultam essa aprendizagem. Necessitamos da motivação para acender em nós o desejo de aprender. É papel do professor motivar o aluno das mais diversas formas para dispertar nele esse desejo de aprender uma nova língua.
ResponderExcluirIn my opinion, motivation is an inner strength that drives us to do something. Without this motivation we could not learn a new language, because it is a long process full of factors that hinder the learning process. We need the motivation to ignite in us a desire to learn. Teacher's role is to motivate the student in many different ways to awaken in him that desire to learn a new language.
Brown defines a behaviorist perspective that motivation is an early effort. he said that motivation happens when the teacher rewards the student thereafter every other such as, for the child to have any questions resopndido exercises, have taken good notes. but it also happens before and when we eat food and gain energy to studying, running, exercise. motivation is important, because the student feels encouraged to study for himself, to make decisions without help from the teacher.
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ResponderExcluirMonica Larissa disse: Is the incentive or stimulus that the teacher gives the students to increase their interest in learning more.
ResponderExcluirMotivation is important because it allows the students shows interest in learning and arouses his curiosity to seek out new information that might be shared with the teacher for clarification of doubts.
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ResponderExcluirMotivation is commonly thought of as an internal direction, impulse, emotion or desire that moves Want somebody to a particular action. It can be intrinsic or extrinsic.It is important as it is that will direct the student in the pursuit of learning the new language.
ResponderExcluirMotivation factor indispensable for any activity performed by man, including the acquisition of an L2.It is to help support the learning process of a new language.According to Brown's, that motivation can be of two types: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.In the first part of the desire to learn from the individual,the second motivation is generated by external factors, so it is called extrinsic.