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domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

AULA 3 (Publishing time span: from 16th to 20 th Oct)

The communicative language teaching (CLT) is currently the most recognized approach of language teaching. It belongs to the post-method era of language. The Longman Dictionary of English defines it as "An approach to foreign or second language which emphasis that the goal of language learning is communicative competence". According to what you've been reading about it, number the benefits and the advantages of this method. You can cite any author's opinion if you wish!

31 comentários:

  1. The Communicative Language Teaching method focuses on communication skills. This method has admitted that learning a language involves not only questions of language but also cultural and semantic function. Nunan (1991, p.279 apud Brown, 1994, p.78) characterizes the communicative approach as a method that emphasizes learning through interaction in the target language provides opportunities for the learner to focus not only on language but also the process of learning, give importance to students' personal experiences as an important element in the classroom, and makes a connection between the language learned in class with their activation outside the classroom.

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  3. Communicative Language Teaching, characterized by its focus on the meaning, significance and purposeful interaction between the subjects they are learning a new language. The communicative approach is one that organizes learning experiences in terms of activities of real student interest so that it enables to use the target language and authentic take actions in interaction with other speakers of the language.

  4. in my opinion the communicative language teaching is characterized by the development of techniques of learning foreign languages​​, so it is a more complete and more connected with the reality that we entered. the teacher is no longer seen as the center of learning but as a stimulator of knowledge. the student should not be a passive but an inquisitive and constructor of knowledge.

    the communicative language teaching is exactly Vygotsky speaks in his book Mind and Society, the development of higher mental processes in this book he explores the role of culture and social contexts. so these are some advantages of using this approach:
    students are given opportunities to focus on their own learning process through an understanding of their own stiles of learning and though the development of appropriate strategies for autonomous learning.
    Students in a communicative class ultimately have to use the language, productively and receptively .
    Fluency and accurrancy are seen as complementary principles underlying communicative tecniques .
    Classroom goals are focused on all of the components.

  5. The benefits this method that can mention is the focus all of the components of communicative competence ( grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse and strategic ), give also more autonomy to students, this method work the motivation of the learners. Give importance the dialogues contextualization. The dialogues, drills and discussions about grammar rules are more simple for nonnative speaking. Give also importance to use second language to act communicative using contexts outside classroom. This method encourage a linguistic interaction between students. The fluency is other point that is more important in CLT.

  6. The CLT is the approach of language teaching, in which are accounted for the aspects that facilitate the learning and, consequently, the communicative competence through interaction. In the communicative approach are given to the learners the opportunities to develop their own learning process. The teacher is only a facilitator and aids the learners to develop or enhance their abilities using some techniques that allow the learners to reach the target language, such as: real-world simulations and meaningful tasks. Are used as well techniques that enhance the learner's sense of autonomy, motivation and self-worth. The communicative approach is more concerned about linguistic fluency than the accuracy, and in its use out of the classrooms. Thus, on this approach the learner reaches a second language in a spontaneous way. This is the great advantage.

  7. But in all these advantages, can you see/name any disadvantages?

  8. As for the objectives of language teaching, CLT for the goal is to develop communicative competence, in the words, the ability to use language for meaningful communication. But before the communicative approach the goal of most language teaching methods was the development of grammatical competence, in the words, the mastery of grammar rules.

    The focus for the approach is communicative activities that allow free communication as open discussions and role-playing games.

    In the communicative approach, the idea is that the student is responsible for their own learning, taking risks and managing their participation in the learning process, and the teacher acts as facilitator of this process.

  9. In my opinion there isn´t an explicit disadvantage. Will therefore be less effective these methods if are limited to activities like role-play artificialized classroom. Is that yes, more effective if they provide familiarization, construction and acquisition of communication skills through human interaction, in real communication situations in multicultural environments.

  10. Central to the communicative approach is the perception that language is not just a system of rules, but “ a dynamic source for the creation of meaning” (Nunan,1989). CLT tends to place more importance on the needs of learners as they actually use the language than on the abstracted study of the language itself. Grammar is not ignored in the communicative classroom, for students need to be able to use the grammar effectively for others to be able to understand them. However, CLT de-emphasizes language knowledge (being able to recite a rule) in favor of language use (being able to construct a correct sentences in a meaningful context).

  11. The method of approach to CLT, has the major advantage of student interaction not only with the language and, above all, with culture. In the communicative teaching method the teacher should play the role of facilitator, allowing students to develop their skills through exercises sociolinguistic. The CLT is the method of teaching foreign languages that most closely matches what I said in my last comment, because he sees the language as a whole and gives freedom for students and teachers to develop their language skills.

  12. One advantage of this method is trying to develop a communicative competence, the same as an ability to use language for communication, through interaction, allowing free communication, in which the student is responsible for their own learning, where teacher acts as a facilitator of this project, and one of the disadvantages is that this method does not consider a formal communication, which acquires an implied knowledge. the communicative approach is characterized by having the focus on meaning, the meaning and purposeful interaction between subjects they are learning a new language. The communicative teaching is one that organizes learning experiences in terms of activities / tasks of real interest and / or student's needs so that it enables to use the target language to perform actions in authentic interaction with other speakers of that language-users . Moreover, this teaching does not take the forms of the language described in grammars as a model enough to organize the experience of learning another language, but do not discard the possibility of creating room in moments of explicit rules and practice of routinizing grammatical subsystems, such as of pronouns, verb endings, etc.. (Almeida Filho, 1993)

  13. Prioritize the knowledge of social rules and cultural in the act of the communication of the language studied without neglecting its systematic knowledge is the main objective of the Communicative Approach and at the same time its greatest advantage. The disadvantage is in the attempt to apply in practice the principles taxonomic that it produced.

  14. The communicative language teaching is a approach that it has cultural advantages . Proof this is that this approach provides the student interaction not only the languege, but with the way he inserted. Here are some features this approach: Meaning is paramount; Dialogues, if used, center around communicative functions and are not normally memorized; Contextualization is a basic premise; Language learning is learning to communicative; Effective communication is souught; among others.

    There is in this approach the development of communicative competence through the cultural system.

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  16. There are several interpretations of CLT.Within the concepts of the main benefits are the techniques that focus on the needs and goals of learners,using the language in real contexts.
    The language is not only object of study but is a vehicle for communication in the classroom.
    The advantages to the communicative competence is based on the interaction,that is the cooperativein classroom,as workin pairs or groups where the teacher becomes a mentor.
    Everything is done with intent to communicate ,which is the focus of CLT.

  17. Urânia Medeiros disse: The Communicative Language Teaching, also known as the Communicative Approach and Functional Approach is a method of teaching English language that mushroomed in the 1970s and whose main objective is the communication skills. This method has several advantages and benefits among them are: The student becomes responsible for their own learning, communication develops through interaction with the target language and lessons are contextualized and interactive, which is learned in the classroom relates with the real life of the student.

  18. The CLT is an approach for the teaching of foreign tongue to which emphasizes the interaction as being the objective final in the learning process of a tongue. Among characteristics of this approach are:
    * Importance in to learn itself communicate through the interaction in the tongue-target.
    * The introduction of authentic texts in the learning situation.
    * The opportunities creation for the students they concentrate, not only in the tongue, but also about Learn the Process Management.
    * A student's refinement through own personal experiences as important elements that contribute for the learning in class room.
    * Attempt to link the tongues learning in class room with language activities outside the class room.

  19. Cristine Sousa disse: The CLT is a methodology that fosters the motivation of students, where they can enjoy what they are learning. This is one of the advantages, the student is no longer subjected to repetitive exercises that make you totally disinterested. In this method the learning occurs through interaction in the L2. The teacher guides students and let them express their knowledge and interact, while also providing important personal experiences of each.

  20. Communicative language teaching (CLT) makes use of real life situations, encouraging an emphasis on practice as a way of developing communicative skills. Brown (2007) gives his definition of CLT as “an approach to language teaching methodology that emphasizes authenticity, interaction, student-centered learning, task based activities, and communication for the real world, meaningful purposes” (Brown, p.378).

  21. In this method of communicative language teaching there are several benefits. For example: it develops communicative competence, in other words , the ability to use language for meaningful communication, the grammatical competence has become involved by communicative, the communicative competence has not limited the grammar, the learning outcome has become the interaction of the language, the teacher became a facilitator not a dictator of rules, etc.

  22. Communicative Learning Teaching works the learning main factor of a second language which is the communicative competence. This factor centralizes the learner`s focus in a social context and situation that includes the learner on a dynamic way that consequently becomes the learning more natural, relaxed, and less boring.
    This method Helps to motivate the learner in the understanding and creation his knowledge own about the target language increasing too the learner`s proficiency.
    Other advantage of the CLT is that the method helps the learner performing intrinsic strategies of learning and reaches a bigger fluency.

  23. Júlio César disse: For the teacher Vilson J. Leffa (Methodology of language teaching) in the communicative approach the teacher leave to exercise the role of authority, of distributor of the knowledge to take the role of advisor. In these words we see then that the CLT is an approach focused on language acquisition not only by structuralism, but in the factors affective, cultural and especially the ability to work to develop dialogue on all the circumstances of real life.

  24. some of the benefits that can be observed for communicative language teaching is the teaching which it is intended to develop in the classroom, teaching is one in which students actually learn. some component is( the interaction) of fundamental importance in the CLT. On another issue when you have all the components of CLT to work, as if to follow rules, that would be one of the disadvantages.

  25. I see the method CLT as an open door to learning relevant, because there are contained aspects that I consider the primary school learning a more comprehensive way.
    It is a method that includes the four skills without losing sight of the grammar, which is the door open for those who want to do exams, and not only learn the language for everyday use.

  26. Socorro Sousa disse: The communicative language teaching (CLT) has many advantages, in my opinion, for example, it values, in first time, learning to communicate. It’s a dynamic method, which facilitates learning and helps to learn to be a lot enjoyable.

    The disadvantages are that the teacher lets the learner to find out all alone, almost without help.

  27. This method recognizes that for a consistent learning, it is necessary that the language learner is inserted in a context that gives estilísticis apparatus not only of language but also the involvement in the communicative process, where in fact there is communication and it can test your learning in the real world.

  28. Isla Rafaela disse: To learn a language that there is interaction among learners. The use of personal experiences as a form of higher learning. The teacher is not one that impose rules, but an auxiliary in construction of knowledge.

  29. Júlio, it is better to refer to Mr. Leffa as a professor! He is one of the greatest applied linguists and researcher in Brazil!

  30. CLT is a more effective method, because it works familiarization, construction and acquisition of communication skills through human interaction, in real communication situations in multicultural environments, contrary to previous methods aimed at a repetition mecânica.E this is one of the advantages of CLT, the learning is directly and constantly connected with the actual environment, thus facilitating him to fix a L2.
