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terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011
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When we compare the method of grammar and audio-lingual language acquisition, we see that these two methods are based on the same principle, that the acquisition is a mechanical process of formation of habits and routines and automatisms. In the first method (the method of grammar), students had to memorize lists of vocabulary while the second method the student is not repeated oral vocabulary lists, but complete sentences. It uses the same principle but with important additions because the Audiolingual emphasized communication different from the Grammar Method that emphasized only reading and translation of the target language.
ResponderExcluirGouin realized that learning a language does not mean memorize grammar rules and vocabulary without any connection with reality, he realized this when he passed the test to prove their knowledge. The direct method, for example, contributed to improve on what he had discovered that knowledge was contextualized, have ties with reality. We see this in the passage: "He felt He Should remember the german verbs Grammar." Here's what he thought about how to learn a language. So I think that the contribution of the direct method for learning a second language is to study the exact phrasings connected with reality and focusing on oral skills as well as the direct method show. somehow contributed to the direct method to improve thinking of Gouin.
ResponderExcluirThe first method that came up to the language teaching it was the Grammar Translation Method, that focused on the grammar rules, memorization of vocabulary, translation of texts and written exercises. Later on, according to Gouin's Method(Series Method)a language only could be learned through of a "series" of connected sentences without traslation or gramatical rules. Charles Berlitz took hold of some features of the Series Method (no translation, lots of oral interations, etc) to the Direct Method and rejected others, for example,the grammar that was not emphasized in the previous method, now it was emphasized.The Audiolingual Method that came up in the World War II due to the need of oral proficient of the army, borrowed some features of the Direct Method, such as a great deal of oral activities, no translation, etc, besides to be associated to the behavioristic models.
ResponderExcluirUrania Medeiros disse: The grammar-translation method and audio - lingual rest on the same principle: repetition exhaustive and are supported by the theory of structuralism and behaviorist by Skinner. While the method of Gouin series (1880) values real facts and rejects abstractions, declinations or rules.
ResponderExcluirAntonio Juniel disse: Speaking firstly learn of Vocabulary in Grammar Translate method, the focus this method is in memorize of list of isolated words. In the Audiolingual method ( ALM ) the vocabulary is learned in context, In the Direct Method the concrete vocabulary is learned through demonstration objects and pictures and abstract vocabulary by association of ideas. In the Grammar Translate method there is concern in taught grammar rules, while in ALM is work pratical use oral skill of the students, this oral skill also is used by Direct Method where oral communication is made through of questions-and-answers between teachers and students. In the Direct Method and ALM also common there was concern with correct pronunciation. In the Grammar Translate and ALM both use repetitive drills, while Grammar Translate haven’t auxiliar theory, the AML is assisted by linguistic and psychological theories and Series Method ( Gouin ) taught learns that method directly ( without translation ) and conceptually ( without grammar rules ) using easy sentences to perceive.
ResponderExcluirThe objectives of the Method of Grammar was to convey a knowledge of the language, allowing access to literary texts and a mastery of grammar rules, for example. Once the student had a goal to memorize the rules and examples, with the purpose of having the domain morphology and syntax, so little or no attention was given to pronunciation. Meanwhile in the Direct Method was encouraged to read aloud passages, parts or dialogues, for example. Since the goal of Audio-Lingual Method is to make students able to use the target language communicatively. It’s adopted for this dialogue memorization technique, conversation pairs, memorization of long phrases part by part.
ResponderExcluirThe grammar-translation method and audio - lingual rest on the same principle: repetition exhaustive and are supported by the theory of structuralism and behaviorist by Skinner. While the method of Gouin series (1880) values real facts and rejects abstractions, declinations or rules.
ResponderExcluirThe Natural Approach aims to develop language acquisition rather than learning. Thus, the speech will come naturally, without pressure from the teacher. The basic premise is that the student should get an almost entirely comprehensible language input in order to broaden their understanding of L2. What is not very different from the direct method, which has as its fundamental principle that the target language is learned through the target language, the grammar is taught inductively and the rules of generalization arise from experience.
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ResponderExcluirThese alternations of methods depends largely on the change in the society and, so that methods can be refined or adjusted where is otherwise considered a social necessity. In the methodology eg audiovisual which originated in the United States, which ran between 1940 and 1960, they adopted the same language and basic psychological principles of the direct method because it was considered an important fact for this method to go right, but with a intense representation as to the degree of automation, the important thing was to teach the language and not on ela.Larsen-Freeman (1986: 42) states that the greatest merit of this method was that of extending the concept of culture, which is no longer seen only as art and literature, considering the behavior
ResponderExcluireveryday users of the language studied.
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ResponderExcluirEach one influenced his time and also had their effectiveness questioned. However, all these methods had and still have a very important role in the acquisition language, for the best fit to meet the needs of the times magnified views about learning the LE. It is observed that these "old" methods and approaches, still subject to suitability, Renegade or not, are still widely used, holding numerous followers, who influenced or orientation arising from the graduate or the language’s school which taught the language, and usually preferred by a single method in practice.
ResponderExcluirThe Method of Grammar and Translation is always a deductive process, based on the rule for the example. Basically, this method consists in teaching a second language by first, all necessary information is given through the explanation in the student's native language. Gouin's story makes us analyze the effectiveness of a method of teaching foreign languages, showing that grammar and vocabulary are not enough to master a language. The Direct Method, in turn, has as its fundamental principle that the target language is learned through the target language. With this, the mother tongue should never be used in the classroom. Starting from the contradiction of these methods, I realized that whatever methodological approach, it is necessary that the process of teaching and learning of the language provide the student with a communicative purpose. For there are many variables that affect the teaching situation, which cannot be overcome by the methodology used, so that what seems to work in a given situation does not work in another. Then I realize that the methodology is given greater importance in that it really has, forgetting both teacher and students in the process of living, are able to build knowledge together, may also fail to learn how to learn, although the method chosen. I personally prefer the design of teacher education Galeffi Dante Augusto, the solution is always seeking its own methodology and appropriate.
ResponderExcluirMany methods are being studied and researched and all have their importance in the scenario of Teaching Learning Histories since ancient times. The most famous are: The grammar that still dominates much of the Educational Establishment, and the after Gouin, who have a vision toward a teaching and learning so that students use the 2nd language as a means of communication and not just as a file of random words. These look and have greatly contributed to the development of knowledge and acquisition of a second language. The gains are significant, the entire discussion is valid and the differences are necessary.
ResponderExcluirMy view is that despite all the complications pointed to the same direction and I support that teaching takes into account various factors such as social conditions, age etc..
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ResponderExcluirIn the new method was rejected theories of translation word by word. Remained in the new method to memorization, now not only in words. Memorization was now being inthreads. Thus, the series method was created,in other words,a method that taught learners directly without translation, without grammatical rules and explanations. Learning hasto happen in series of connected sequences.
ResponderExcluirSince long time were created a number of methods to study the insights of the acquisition of a second language. According with this series of methods for the acquisition of a second language to happen is need that there isn’t exhaustive repetitions but real facts, it is necessary that second language learning should be like first language learning. Therefore is very important that there isn’t a method of decorating of the grammar or repetition.
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ResponderExcluirGouin to get an immediate result of "learning" brought the memory of the previous method (The method of translating the grammar) to complete its method. But before that was not enough to become your most complex method. Gouin found support to show that through a sentence, was able to learn from the senses and logic, using not just memorizing rules. But is that only the method of learning through memorization would be enough for a permanent learning content or immediate ? .
ResponderExcluirTo each new method that arose, your creators tried to withdraw of the previous methods what tried being of better, remodelling to its way and aggregating to your new method, discarding thus what tried do not be important. For example: The translation method of Grammatical worked focusing on the grammatical rules, vocabulary memorization in the lists form or isolated words, texts translation, the pronunciation had little value, while, the series method worked without the translation, without grammatical rules and explanations, with a series of connected sentences that were easy of realize.
ResponderExcluirThe grammar translation method instructs students in grammar, vocabulary and provided direct translations to memorize, today he is considered an inefficient method, it is now most commonly used traditional instruction in classical languages, but remains one of the most practiced teaching of languages. this proves that these methods are not totally rejected and that greatly contributes to the development of the following methods through research and studies that are developed based on them.
ResponderExcluirCristiane Sousa disse: Each method has its importance according to the historical context of the time. But society changes and these methods of acquiring a second language should be improved to meet the changing needs of society. When a new method appears not to say that the former is no longer useful or wrong, rather it serves as a mode improvement in the other. In the grammar translation method, for example, the focus was on memorization, translation of texts, grammar rules. In the method of series created by Gouin , the focus was not the translation or grammar rules, but a method that taught directly and conceptual, with sentences linked and easy to learn, that is, the student did not learn the meaning of a single word, but a whole sentence.
ResponderExcluirThere are many differences among each one of the theory of learning, but each one has its importance. The Grammar Translation Method, for example, suggests that students translate whole texts word for word. While The Direct Method valued the learning of English to communication.
ResponderExcluirThe Audiolingual Method was a little similar to The Direct Method, cause it valued the oral communication, too. The difference between them was that The Audiolingual Method valued JUST the oral learning. This method was spread while The World War II.
After appeared the “Designer” Methods, that had a special vision of the students. They are: The Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, Total Physical Response and others.
The advantage of "to and fro" is that it encourages further research and practice is almost always complement each other, take advantage realmenbte what works and new formulations are grounded in what you need melhorar.O grammatical method is based only on fomulação sentences and texts. Since the method (CLT) goes on to say that the student must have communication skills.
ResponderExcluirThe advantage of "to and fro" is that it encourages further research and practice is almost always complement each other, take advantage realmenbte what works and new formulations are grounded in what you need melhorar.O grammatical method is based only on fomulação sentences and texts. Since the method (CLT) goes on to say that the student must have communication skills.
ResponderExcluirTeaching methods are almost always formulated starting from a deficiency of some previous methods, for example the audio lingual method that arose from the deficiency of the method of translation and grammar. But remember that each method is connected to the reality of a moment and is out date with time, so other methods will emerge.
ResponderExcluirI think previous skill is very important in the second language acquisition.When the teacher make use of the learner's previous skills become the learning very easy,because the language operates in a culture and in a community.
ResponderExcluirThe first method was to translate grammatical that it was the memorization of words.The second was the method of series (Gouin) which maintained that a language could only be learned by a series of judgments,without grammatical rules.And thus, new methods have emerged with the time and as a result of studies and experiments of scholars.And thus, new methods have emerged with the time and as a result of studies and experiments of scholars.We can conclude then, that despite this constant change,new methods always using characteristics of previous methods.